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Building A Movement through Grassroots Network​

The Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under the age of 30, driving dialogue, action and change through solution building and policy making. With more than 13,000 members, the Global Shapers Community spans over 448 city-based hubs in 150 countries working to address local, regional and global challenges. In each city, a team of shapers create projects addressing needs of their communities, from responding to disaster and combating poverty to fighting climate change and building inclusive communities. Shapers are diverse in expertise, education, income and race but are united by their desire to bring about change.

Shapers and the World Economic Forum
Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a non- profit organisation registered in Geneva, Switzerland and was founded by Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum in 2011. The goal is to empower young people to play an active role in shaping local, regional and global agendas. The Forum’s contribution to the shapers includes significant financial and in-kind contributions for operational support including staff time, technology tools and opportunities to interact and collaborate with its membership networks. 

 “We believe in a world where young people are central to solution building, policy - making and lasting change.”


The Global Shapers Guwahati Hub, is a part of the Global Shapers Community and comprises a network of young, inspiring people driven towards making positive changes in the community. Established on June 9th, 2020, the Hub is driven by the vision of ensuring sustainable development in the city by empowering youths and promoting inclusivity. 

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We are driven with the vision of ensuring sustainable development in the city by empowering youths and promoting inclusivity.



We aim to initiate action in the areas of climate and sustainability, education, skilling, health, extending humanitarian support and addressing inequities by leveraging access and knowledge.


Guwahati Hub is managed by a team of Global Shapers and spearheaded by the Curator, Vice-Curator elected by the Hub every year. The Hub has undertaken several projects impacting in the areas of climate and environment, healthcare, skills etc. The Hub constitutes five distinct committees that are driven by Shapers

  1. Governance and Ethics

  2. Human Resource Management

  3. Project and Impact Management

  4. Logistics and Administration

  5. Marketing, Media and Collaborations

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